The Group: Orginaly just rabid otaku fangirls, we were turn onto cosplay and convention about fanime 2000. Our friends had gone the previous year and we were told "Dude, people dress up as anime characters." Thus the artistic wheels in our head started turning. From a small group of 2 we grew as we made new friends. Not officially ever a real cosplay group we just made costume from the same series and had fun posing and playing around. So that's us.. weirdo's who make costumes. Sakura Mochi: As our collection of costume grew and people began recalling us they started asking what group were we from? Baffled by that question Kenshin no Miko and Kagome decied maybe we should have an semi offical group name. Kagome came up with Sakura Mochi.. which was shelved for about a year. As we began to enter more costume contest and making up skits we decided we REALLY needed a name. So with no better idea's Sakura Mochi suck. :D Random Pictures of Us |